87年4月ベースボール・マガジン社入社、ラグビーマガジン編集部に勤務。90年6月より97年2月まで同誌編集長。出版局を経て98年6月退社し、フリーランスの編集者、記者、ラグビージャーナリストとして活動。J SPORTSのラグビー解説は98年より継続中。1999年から2019年の6回のラグビーワールドカップでコメンテーターを務めた。著書に「仲間を信じて」(岩波ジュニア新書)、「空飛ぶウイング」(洋泉社)、「ハルのゆく道」(道友社)、「ラグビーが教えてくれること」、「ノーサイド 勝敗の先にあるもの」(あかね書房)などがある。
2020年12月31日、とても嬉しいニュースが飛び込んできた。日本ラグビーフットボール協会顧問(会長特別補佐)で元日本代表WTB坂田好弘さんが、ニュージーランド政府より、ニュージーランド・メリット勲章(New Zealand Order of Merit)を受章することが発表されたのだ。
今回の受章は、長年ラグビーを通したニュージーランドと日本との発展・交流に大きく貢献したことが評価されたもので、坂田氏は外国籍ですので名誉受章者(Honorary Members)として授与されることになり、勲章の授与式は来年春ごろの予定となっています。
The New Zealand Order of Merit to be awarded to Japanese rugby legend, Yoshihiro (Demi) Sakata who is the advisor of Japan Rugby Football Union.
It was announced today that Yoshihiro Sakata will be awarded the New Zealand Order of Merit by the New Zealand Government on 31 December 2020 and in the New Year's Honours List for 2021.
The New Zealand Order of Merit was established by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on 30 May 1996 and is awarded to individuals who have demonstrated outstanding effort, ability and contribution to the Crown and people of New Zealand in all areas of admirable achievement.
Comment from Yoshihiro (Demi) Sakata:
"I was surprised to hear from the New Zealand Government that I have been selected as an honorary recipient of the Order of Merit. I must admit I was not familiar with the Order of Merit, so I needed to do some research about it. I was astonished to discover the significance and meaning behind the award.
It was a great pleasure and extraordinary privilege to receive this honour, and needless to say I am also very happy and proud. I am told that I was chosen in recognition of my contribution to the development of the relationship between NZ and Japan.
On a personal level, my relationship with NZ has been through the sport of rugby. In December 1964, the University of Canterbury Rugby Football Club traveled from NZ to play in Japan, my first encounter with NZ rugby. During the after-match function, I was impressed by the genuine warmth and wonderful personalities of the NZ players, and became very interested in NZ.
In 1966, I was invited by the University of Canterbury RFC to travel to NZ and play as a member of the university team. In 1968, I toured with the Japanese national team, and in 1969, I was able to play a full season with the University of Canterbury Rugby Football Club. I have been so fortunate that through these experiences, my personal connection to NZ expanded, and through rugby I have made many lifelong friends. As my relationships with people in NZ grew stronger and stronger, NZ became my second home.
Being selected as an Honorary Recipient of the NZ Order of Merit is not only a great honour for me, but also a great honour for Japanese rugby, for which I am very grateful. This honour has come to me through rugby, and I do not think I could have ever received it if I had not been introduced to this great sport. I am grateful to rugby and to all the people who have supported my efforts and journey. Even though the world currently faces a difficult situation, I would like to continue to strengthen the friendly and cooperative relationship between Japan and NZ. Thank you very much and stay safe everyone."